

Probably a full-stack, mainly focusing on Distributed System / Consensus / Privacy-preserving Tech etc. Decentralization is a trend, privacy must be protected.

What am I playing recently?

Due to the epidemic, although I have been taking classes at home for the past few months, I don't feel relaxed at all. In the end, it's because I played too much. Since there is nothing much to write about in terms of technology, I'll just write about what I've been playing.


To be honest, I haven't played many games during this period because there aren't many good ones. The next generation of consoles is coming soon, and it seems that Sony is not very well prepared at the moment. From the perspective of the next generation of consoles, it seems like Microsoft has taken the lead. The appearance details have not been announced yet, and the only impression I have about the hardware is that the SSD is fast. On the other hand, from the games during this period, a few games that I was looking forward to either announced delays and became flagship titles for the next generation, or they were spoiled and the spoilers were not to my liking (I belong to the type of person who can still enjoy playing even if spoiled). So, in summary, in terms of games, I mainly revisited previous works, such as XCOM2, To The Moon, etc. Of course, I also played CSGO for a while.

There is also a game in internal testing, but I can't reveal the name.

TV Shows#

Since there aren't many interesting games, I have been watching more TV shows. During this period, I watched "5→9〜私に恋したお坊さん〜", "イタズラな Kiss", and "Westworld". The first two were just for relaxation, but the last one really sucked me in. I really like this type of TV show.

Westworld Still


What's the deal with BB spending time? I believe everyone is familiar with BB, but what's the deal with BB spending time? Let me explain it to you. BB spending time is actually BB spending time. You might be surprised, how can BB spend time?... But the fact is, even I am very surprised. So, that's the story about BB spending time. What do you think? Feel free to discuss in the comments. Although BB spends time, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

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